There are Yoda & Darth Vader Tutorials Below, But First You Might Want To Read About Why The Evil Cake Genius LOVES this magical Cake Dutchess Modelling Paste.
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The ECG has a thing for puppies. She just loves their wet little noses, and waggy tails, and can't imagine life without her fur-babies Skip and Charlie. That's why, when asked to make little frosting versions of two Chihuahua's for a couple's wedding cake about 15 years ago, she jumped at the chance. They were a hit with the wedding guests...right up until a drunk groomsman decided to eat them. That was the end of the sugar pups (and a long-standing friendship, so we're told).
After showing other couples the cake, the ECG was inundated with requests for frosting fur-babies on wedding and celebration cakes.
So much so, that she started making them and donating the entire price of the pups to the ASPCA. She's been doing so ever since!
Now, making these little pups has not always been easy. The ECG has tried every modelling concoction out there. But she kept running into the same problems. The pups would start out great, but sag and get elephant skin wrinkles. She had to construct bizarre support structures to hold up tails and ears, and even then, the slightest movement would cause cracks.
Finally, she turned to some of her cakey friends, and they all suggested the same thing:
Cake Dutchess Modelling Paste
Here's what the Cake Dutchess says about her product:
"This modelling paste is naturally very firm, and doesn't require any tylose powder or CMC powder. As such it stays in shape once moulded, doesn't sag at all, and also has a very shiny and smooth texture, even after modelling for an hour! With a super white appearance, it is a brilliant paste to start off with, but also extremely easy to colour with gel pastes."
Modesty!!!! How about a more candid take?
Here's what our Cakey friend Raewyn Read had to say to us about it:
"Hey Robin! It's FANTASTIC! I have some and am completely in love with it.
This is my estimation - it seems to solve all the things that used to test me with modelling. When you work with it, it's firm enough to support its own weight, doesn't 'collapse' or stretch for example, a figures torso can be made a certain shape and height then head and arms added to it without the torso compressing and getting shorter and wider! Legs can dangle off the side of cakes etc without stretching from anchor point.
BUT.....even though it's lovely and firm and stays where you put it, you can keep moving it for ages! I was still able to re-position arms and facial features a couple of hours in without any signs of elephant skin or cracking!! How frigging amazing is that??? shouldn't be possible....i think she manufactures it with a magic wand!
You can see I'm pretty bloody impressed with it haha! is officially the best Modelling paste i have ever used and shout that as often as i can."
Check out this awesome super speed tutorial from The Cake Dutchess herself! (also a fan of doggies, obviously) right after you check out all our modelling tools we have available-
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