Sometimes you need a hand.
A big hand if you're Thor, and that hammer just isn't cutting it for you. He knows what to do...he just calls up his buddy Hulk for backup!
No Superhero (or super villain) is an island...Which is why the Evil Cake Genius loves it when The Benevolent Mold Overlords over at Marvelous Molds come up with something that when used with our stencils, will make you an invincible Cakey HERO!
The Evil Cake Genius LOVES Flexabets! They make cutting out fondant letters faster than the Flash after chugging a Venti with a Turbo Shot. Hold on, wait a second. IF you love picking letters out of stiff molds with a pin or slapping, cracking, tapping and then trying to re-shape what's left into something resembling a character, these aren't the molds for you. Everybody else? YOU WILL LOVE these molds because they have a patent pending cutting edge AND their flexibility makes removal a breeze! And now they come in a new Action Comic Font, the perfect match to our Superbirthday Stencils!
Haven't seen Flexabets before? You've been hanging out in your Fortress of Solitude too long? That's okay, just check out the video below to see them in action.
And now that you realize the great power that is the Flexabet...don't squander it! Shop all of their lettering styles HERE!
Now let's get to the Stencils! You know that you're gonna be making Super Hero Themed Cakes for the rest of your natural life, right? Then why not get the tools you need to make them? Our SuperBirthday Stencil Collection makes everything from Spidey Webs to Teeny Tiny Skyscraper Windows so fast that you may not even need to change into your cape!
Just check out video proof of just how easy these are to use!!
Now stop kicking yourself that you didn't get these earlier. As far as The ECG sees it, Hollywood is going to keep producing Super Hero Movies once a week for at least 30 more get your stencils, and you're still decades ahead of the curve.
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Get more info here on the difference between our Mesh Stencils and Acrylic Stencils