Special Edition Diamond Chandelier Acrylic Stencil FREE with any order over $29.95
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This stencil is a Special Edition...not available on our site, and it coordinates beautifully with any of our Diamond Chandelier Stencils or our Art Deco Chandelier Stencils.


The Evil Cake Genius was thrilled to see the Art Deco Trend take hold of wedding cake design a couple of years ago. This girl loves her the combination of bold graphic patterns with decadent details that is the Art Deco Look. Our Art Deco Chandelier and Diamond Chandelier Stencils have captured the look without the unhappy Gatsby ending (spoiler alert).  What's even happier than Art Deco made easy?  How about Art Deco Made Free?!?!   And we're not talking about a bunch of Gatsby's cutting loose of their societal chains free, we're talking free of charge...gratis...on the house!

Now check out a couple Wedding Cakes that inspired this promo:

Baroque Cake 2

Baroque Cake 3

Must Enter Code: DIAMOND in your cart.