Icing Sheets on Buttercream Cookies

The ECG has always frosted her cookies in Royal icing.  They're perfectly smooth, and dry hard enough to stack.  That's why she was pretty intrigued to see people on the interweb frosting cookies with buttercream lately.  She gave it a try, and here's what she discovered *VIDEOS BELOW*

1) TASTE: Let's start with the obvious.  They're stupidly delicious.  The ECG used American Pure-Butter Buttercream with her Yummy As Hell Flavoring (get the recipe HERE)

2) COLOR: Adding our Wickedly White Powder to the buttercream makes it pure white, just like Royal Icing

3) TEXTURE: An obvious hurdle was getting them to be as smooth as Royal Icing Flooding.  But she found yet another AMAZING use for our Lil' Rolly frosting finisher.  It rolled the buttercream out to a flawless finish!

4) SPEED: Not gonna' lie...frosting cookies in buttercream and rolling them with Lil' Rolly is WAAAAY faster than piping and flooding with Royal Icing.  But, you're not going to be able to pipe and flood sections OR do marbling or flooded patterns like you can with Royal.

5) DURABILITY: The Buttercream crusted over nicely, and made the cookies hold up very well.  Once they're set up, they could be bagged without sticking. They would NOT, however,  hold up well enough to ship or stack more than 2 high.  For that, best be gettin' back to some Royal.

6) VERSATILITY: They piped beautifully, and held onto sprinkles like a champ.  We were also able to attach Cookie Icing sheets to the buttercream immediately after rolling them with Lil' Rolly (before they had a chance to crust over) without the use of edible glue (necessary for attaching icing sheets to set up Royal).

Watch these videos to see our first play:



Like anything in the decorating world, there's a time and a place for both Icings.  The ECG is definitely going to add Buttercream to her Cookie Arsenal...ESPECIALLY when using those adorable icing sheets, but she's not ready to abandon her Royal Floodwork.  She sees a combination of techniques in her future...how's about you?

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