Vintage Valentine's Brownies

Let's glam up the humble Brownie for Valentine's Day!  This simple technique will make you the Barry White of Baking.

Vintage Valentines Brownies

This can be done with Box Brownie Mix or use the ECG's favorite Brownie Recipe below:

Simple, delicious, and perfectly gift-able!  Now, wanna' see how this video really went down?  Here's the uncut version of the ECG screwing up just like she always does...but hey, same result:

Not a fan of Mint and Chocolate?  What's wrong with you?!!?! Okay, okay, no can replace the Peppermint Crunch Coating with Chocolate Chips, Peanut Butter Chips, just about anything that ends in chips...except Potato Chips, that might get a little soggy.  Here's that recipe:

Now here's all the stuff you need:

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Now check out how positively sexy Chocolate Covered Oreos can be HERE. Or get inspired with all of our Valentine's Projects HERE.

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