Floral Garden Chocolate Transfer Cake

Wrapping a cake in a chocolate transfer band can sound daunting but by now you know that if the Evil Cake Genius can do it, it really ain't that hard!  Seriously, the ECG has been using this technique for over 2 decades. It is one of her go to tricks when she need a show stopper cake but is woefully short on time.  For reals...


Here's why you need to try this technique, like now...

1) The entire side of the cake is covered in a thin layer of Chocolate Coating, so your buttercream doesn't need to be perfect!

2) The band is a deee-licious addition to any cake flavor, and melts in your mouth.

3) It's much faster than stenciling, with much more vibrant details, and it is done in one swoop!

4) The ECG has just laid out a line of Chocolate Transfer Sheets SPECIFICALLY to wrap cakes, and if she does say so herself, they're pretty damn sexy!

Here's the quicky version for you seasoned cake artists. Scroll down to the second video to see the full-length video tutorial!


Now, if you want the full skinny on how this went down (and a TON of aimless blabbering) watch this:

Now get everything you need to make one of these lovelies! The ECG has built a mix and match kit so you can pick and choose which of the stuff she used in the video that you need and leave off the stuff you've already got. Then swipe for all the other must-have tools she used in the video.

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And be sure to check out the other new design for wrapping cakes (can't wait to try the white or black stripes with colored coating!)

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One more thing... Did you know this same technique works for Mini Cakes? Yep! Click the image below to see how we made these!

Chocolate Wrapped Mini Cakes

Now check out all of our Cakey-Bakey Projects HERE. 

Category Links To Products Featured On This Page: Shop Chocolate Transfer Sheets, Shop Chocolate Coatings, Shop All Edible Ribbon

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