4 Techniques for Amazing Macarons

4 Techniques for Amazing Macarons
July 27, 2022
4 Techniques for Amazing Macarons

4 Techniques for Amazing Macarons!

The ECG has done a fair bit of traveling in her time on this big ol' blue ball, and her takeaway from her time in France? Simple...eat EVERYTHING they put in front of you...ESPECIALLY when it comes to pastries!  That's why she's excited to see French Macarons finally get their due respect.  And with her French Macaron Mix, these bad boys have become downright managable to make.  So, she's  had time to focus on her favorite part of baking...the decorating!

Let's talk about her favorite ways to Shi Shi up those little gems.  Starting with this glorious new technique that she caught in her news feed from Sasha Cakes Chicago.

Check out the video of how she made these:

Not only is this technique beatiful, but it's PURE GENIUS!  And we've got everything you need to do it:

Now let's talk about the dreaded Monogrammed Mac (insert Shriek here!)  Anyone who does weddings knows that the only people who want their initials all over their food more than your college roommate (who ironically stole your stuff out of the fridge, despite defending their week old mac n' cheese leftovers like they were manna from heaven) are Brides and Grooms.

Hey, the ECG doesn't judge.  If that's their thing, the least she can do is make it not absolute torture for those of us who have to repeat their initials on 500 macs.  And that's where our amazing Stay Put Stencils come in:

And with our ECG Airbrush Paints, the stenciling dries so quickly, that you can reuse the stencil over and over before having to rinse it and dry it!  Here's everything you need for this fabbo technique:

  But how about a little extra Yum in your 'Rons?  The ECG loves this added blast of flavor AND decoration by Cake It With Justin.  He used a white chocolate drizzle and some Yum Crumbs to add a little "Je ne sais quoi" (except we "sais quoi", we just TOLD you "quoi") to these little lovelies.

Shop all the YUM Crumbs and matching Flavors and fillings:

Finally, we love these Macaron Bebe shower favors almost as much as we love chubby baby cheeks.

Get everything you need here:

The ECG lurves seeing what you're up to (just like Sasha and Justin above) so don't forget to tag #evilcakegenius whenever you're doing something genius with one of our products!!


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